Read Now [iBooks] Vivienne Westwood: The Complete Collections by Alexander Fury

Easy to Read Vivienne Westwood: The Complete Collections

by Alexander Fury


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Overview :

    Forty years of catwalk photography featuring seventy groundbreaking collections from the inimitable Vivienne Westwood?over 1,000 looks as they originally appeared in Westwood?s iconic shows ? ?The only reason I?m in fashion is to destroy the word ?conformity,?? Vivienne Westwood (b. 1941) declared early in her career. With her provocative synthesis of historic British fashion, classic painting aesthetics, and punk culture, the British designer has continuously revolutionized the fashion industry since her first catwalk collection, ?Pirate,? debuted in 1981. ? Opening with a concise history of the house and brief biographical profiles of Westwood and her longtime collaborator Andreas Kronthaler, this spectacular volume?the seventh in the celebrated Catwalk series?documents all of Westwood?s catwalk collections from 1981 to today. Short texts illuminating each collection?s highlights and influences are accompanied by carefully curated catwalk photographs showcasing hundreds of clothing

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